Unfortunately, recovering individuals often don’t have any form of transportation. Some struggling individuals even get into legal trouble that causes them to lose their licenses and/or vehicles. Other people in addiction recovery cannot drive because they use certain medications that limit their ability to do so or because they don’t have a license or vehicle.

Regardless of why you don’t have your form of transportation, it’s important to get one. This is especially true if you are trying to rebuild your life after addiction treatment. That’s why many sober living communities provide transportation services for their residents.

Learn more about the importance of transportation to rehab for people in recovery and the services we here at Monroe Street Housing provide our residents.


Like we just mentioned, many addicts cannot drive for one reason or another. As a result, they need some form of transportation services to get around. Obtaining transportation to rehab is particularly important for people that just left addiction treatment. This is because these people are thrust back into the real world with no one but the broken family and friend relationships that they had prior to attending treatment. Thus, people in addiction recovery tend to have very few people to help them get back on their feet or from place to place.

Luckily, sober living homes are a great transitional place for people in recovery to live while getting their lives back together. In sober living homes, people in recovery can obtain or work a job and socialize in the real world. They can even do this while still receiving aftercare services at a housing community filled with other supportive recovering addicts.

To go to work and the different aftercare services that sober living communities like Monroe Street Housing provide, it’s important that sober living homes provide those in recovery with some form of transportation.


We here at the Monroe Street Housing community provide transportation to rehab for all of our members. This is because we recognize how hard it is to transition into life after treatment without this service. Our transportation services go towards taking our members to and from local meetings and job interviews. This is because these are two things that will help our members build lives for themselves. Over time, these new lives will lead to long-term sobriety.


Monroe Housing support groups often have meetings that happen outside of the sober living community. As a result, members of the facility will need some way to commute to and from these meetings. That is why we provide transportation services to local meetings in central Indiana.


Our housing community knows that one of the first steps to getting your life back together after attending addiction treatment is to become financially independent and stable. To do this, you must get a job. Luckily, we here at Monroe Street Housing provide all of our members with vocational training. That way you can educate yourself and sharpen your skills so that you can get the job of your dreams.

To get a job, you first need to do well in a job interview. Going to job interviews is often stressful. This is because you need to make a good impression. To avoid making a poor impression in your job interview, you should get to where the interview takes place early. This means that you need a reliable form of transportation. Fortunately, we here at Monroe Street Housing provide all of our members with transportation services to job interviews.


By providing members of our facility with transportation services for local meetings and job interviews, we are setting them up for success. This is because our members can use our transportation services to become financially independent and secure in their sobriety in the real world. As a result, our members will have enough money one day to purchase their own vehicle. To learn more about us here at Monroe Street Housing and the services that we provide, feel free to contact us anytime.

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